A data analysis report providing a methodology for computing cities' climate adapatation Index by combining citiy rediness and vulnerability indicators to climate change impacts.
An overview of available french open data providers, platforms, tools and analysis.
Natural Language Processing:Words embedding, tokenization, Text classification, Sentiment Analysis, Topic Modeling.
An overview of available open data providers, platforms, tools and analysis in different scales (worldwide, europe, and France) and themes (environment, economy, demography...).
A Shiny Web App providing geo-visualization of world development KPI and statistics based on various open data providers (World Bank, Eurostat, United Nations...).
An overview of Time Series analysis methods including modeling appoaches, forecasting algorithms and outlier detection processes.
Satellite imagery analysis:image processing, index generation, image segmentation, and image classification.
GeoScales is a tool that enables an easy and unique access to geospatial open data provided in different scales.
MobRISK a model for assessing the exposure of road users to flash flood events