Lost in Hypertext
I am a wanderer in the world of hypertext, a specialist in drifting in Wikipedia pages. I have spent a large part of my life reading and learning. I read so much that I forgot what I read. And I reread again and again. And when I can’t read, I watch videos and tutorials. And when I can’t watch videos, I listen to podcasts. My brain will explode. I do not have time to process all the information that I accumulate. This information is stored in my memory, moves, hides, some get lost and some persist. Some connect and regroup and some transform. Some come back after a long absence, I thought they are no longer in my memory.
Poor knowledge theorist. Poor theory specialist. Hyperlinks will kill me.
And one day, I couldn’t take it anymore. It’s the mess in my head. It goes in all directions. I can’t find the information anymore. The paths to get there are getting longer and longer and more complicated. My knowledge path finder algorithm no longer works. I’m starting to use heuristics to access it and my A star algorithm trains to get there.
So I decided to put things in boxes, organize them and find a method to organize them. And to leave physical traces of this organization of my knowledge. I have to model my knowledge-base. Is it relational? Is it a graph? Is it an entity-relationship model? How are the concepts related?
And of course, like any knowledge wanderer and hyperlink traveler, I got lost in knowledge about knowledge modeling and engineering. Like a model that analyzes text on text-analysis models. Trapped in an infinite loop. I would never get out. But I’m satisfied with it. And if you ask me: but what do you really want to do in your life? I would type the word “life” on wikipedia and start a new journey.