Saif Shabou

Saif Shabou

Building data products for a better planet

The World Resources Institute


Data science | Data Product Management | Open Data | Geo-statistics | GIS | Machine Learning | Artificial Intelligence


I am a Data & Product Specialist.

I have data science skills, combined with data architecture and engineering knowledge, and data product management experiences.

My goal is to participate in building robust and impactful Data products.

My works are especially related to geo-spatial topics: human mobility, environmental risks, spatial-temporal dynamics, smart building, urban planning…

I am a continuous learner and an eternal student. I share in this blog some of my personal data projects and tutorials.

One of my favorite quotes is from Carl Friedrich Gauss: “It is not knowledge, but the act of learning which grants the greatest enjoyment. When I have clarified and exhausted a subject, then I turn away from it, in order to go into darkness again …"

My technical stack is:

  • Data Science: R, Python, SQL
  • Machine Learning: Keras, Tensorflow, MLflow
  • IDE: RStudio, PyCharm, Jupyter
  • Product Management: Slack, Azure Boards, Jira, Trello, Github projects
  • Devops: Github, Azure, Google Cloud Platform
  • Reporting: Shiny, Dash, Plotly, leaflet, Tableau, PowerBI
  • Database: SQL Server, PosgreSQL, Cassandra, Hive, MongoDB, BigTable.
  • App Deployement: heroku, Google AppEngine
  • CI/CD: Gitlab, Azure DevOps
  • GIS: QGIS, sp, shapely, spstat


  • Data Product management
  • Data science
  • Geo-Analytics
  • Climate & Environmental science


  • PhD in Geo-science, 2016

    University of Grenoble

  • MEng in Environmental Psychology, 2013

    University of Nîmes

  • MEng in Architecture and Urban Planning, 2011

    School of Architecture and Urban Planning
